Sri Lanka Experiences - Anuradhapura

Anuradhapura, Cultural Triangle

One of the fabled cities of the East whose fame spread throughout the centuries until it was buried by the jungle tide. Ruins including several huge stupas lie scattered over a vast area. The Jethavamaramaya Stupa tallest structure of the Ancient World, Sri Maha Bodhi the oldest historically documented tree in existence can be found in Anuradhapura.
Anuradhapura is one of the ancient capitals of Sri Lanka, famous for its well-preserved ruins of an ancient Sinhala civilization. The ruins of Anuradhapura are one of South Asia’s most evocative sights. The sprawling complex contains a rich collection of archaeological and architectural wonders: enormous dagobas (brick stupas), ancient pools and crumbling temples, built during 1st Century. Today, several of the sites remain in use as holy places and temples;
Sri Maha Bodhi, a temple complex built around what is believed to be the tree which grew from a transplanted branch of the Bo Tree. It was under the Bo Tree in northern India that Siddhartha Gautama became the Buddha. Kuttam Pokuna or the twin ponds, a monument of great beauty and superior engineering, was built for Buddhist monks at Abhayagiri Vihara for their daily baths. The Isurumuniya temple, built partly into a cave with a lovely pool in the front and with a boulder forming the rear wall, is a treasure-trove of exquisitely carved stone sculptures.
The above are some of the highlights of Anuradhapura and these are many more interesting places to be visited.